Plastic Import Data of Sri Lanka

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Detail and price of plastic import data of Sri Lanka comes under HS Code 39. View HS code 39 products imported by Sri Lanka from Hong Kong.

** Available on Purchase

DATE HS Code Product Description Country Quantity Unit Net Weight CIF Value Currency Importer Name
2015-12-17392410002800 PCS PLASTIC PLATEHong Kong125KGM125335.88USD*****
2015-12-0339249090990 PCS PLASTIC TRAYHong Kong1234.2KGM1234.21327USD*****
2015-12-22392490901840 PCS PLASTIC CLOTH HANGERHong Kong245.2KGM245.2331.39USD*****
2015-12-0239262090SWIFT TAG (PLASTIC) AS INV. (41,747.00) PCSHong Kong495.68KGM495.684463.03USD*****
2015-12-0339262090PLASTIC BUCKLES-54680 SETSHong Kong42.8KGM42.81613.4USD*****
2015-12-1039262090(PLASTIC ADVERTISING TAG)Hong Kong200.66KGM200.669237.9GBP*****
2015-12-0139269099428042 PCS - PLASTIC RING & SLIDEHong Kong160KGM1601180.32USD*****
2015-12-1039269099PLASTIC BONES FOR ATTACH GAEMENTHong Kong8.5KGM8.5617.55USD*****
2015-12-1039269099350100 PCS PLASTIC TAGHong Kong364.62KGM364.62750.2USD*****

A sample report along with few shipment records on Sri Lanka imports of Plastic is given above. We also cover other hidden columns in our complete report of plastic import data of Sri Lanka including – Importer Name, Exporter Name, Quantity of Shipment, Total Value of Shipment, No. of Import Containers, Origin & Destination of Shipment and so on.

So, if you want to access complete customs data of Plastic, kindly fill up our Request Demo Form. Our sales representatives will reach you soon to look after your requirements. Or you can also tell us your queries via +91-11- 47048012 or

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