B P Handle Import Data of Sri Lanka

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Get b p handle import data of Sri Lanka. Our customs data of Sri Lanka b p handle imports includes hs code, product description, b p handle importers name etc.

** Available on Purchase

DATE HS Code Product Description Country Quantity Unit Net Weight CIF Value Currency Importer Name
2015-12-1587141090HANDLE LEVER, HANDLE BAR, KICK PADDLE ETC..Taiwan, Province of China5808KGM580837227.6USD*****
2015-12-3087149990HANDLE BAR,HANDLE STEM,SEAT POST,BB GUIDEChina4500KGM45003127USD*****
2015-12-2183023000BRACKETS,INTERLOCK PLATES,LH DOOR HANDLES,China90.64KGM90.641268.56USD*****
2015-12-0283024100PULL HANDLES,SPICE HOLDERS,BOTTAM PATCH FITTING,India52.4KGM52.41249.01USD*****
2015-12-1683089000 TROLLY BAG PARTS HANDLE, China302.6KGM302.6230.41USD*****
2015-12-0384679900H PAN, RECOIL STARTER BODY, STARTER HANDLEChina394.27KGM394.271360.97USD*****
2015-12-308708300011 PCS HAND BRAKE HANDLEJapan186.26KGM186.2614100JPY*****

A sample report along with few shipment records on Sri Lanka imports of B P Handle is given above. We also cover other hidden columns in our complete report of b p handle import data of Sri Lanka including – Importer Name, Exporter Name, Quantity of Shipment, Total Value of Shipment, No. of Import Containers, Origin & Destination of Shipment and so on.

So, if you want to access complete customs data of B P Handle, kindly fill up our Request Demo Form. Our sales representatives will reach you soon to look after your requirements. Or you can also tell us your queries via +91-11- 47048012 or info@exportgenius.in

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