Alto Import Data of Sri Lanka

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Get alto import data of Sri Lanka. Our customs data of Sri Lanka alto imports includes hs code, product description, alto importers name etc.

** Available on Purchase

DATE HS Code Product Description Country Quantity Unit Net Weight CIF Value Currency Importer Name
2015-12-3039269099CONT LEVER/MUD FLAP FR/RR ALTO 800 (859 QTY)AS INVIndia856.21KGM856.213322.53USD*****
2015-12-2940169920ALTO, SECOND CHOICE ROLL, 2360 KGS, AS PER INV.France1897KGM189745056.97USD*****
2015-12-0770091000ORVM LH SIDE ALTO 800 (408 QTY)..AS PER INVIndia620.16KGM620.166496.95USD*****
2015-12-1270091000ORVM LH SIDE ALTO 800 (832 QTY)..AS INVIndia1231.23KGM1231.2310937.48USD*****
2015-12-1470091000ORVM LH SIDE ALTO 800 (246 QTY)..AS PER INVIndia369.89KGM369.893248.29USD*****
2015-12-1470091000ORVM LH SIDE ALTO 800 (814 QTY0..AS INVIndia1229.9KGM1229.910614.07USD*****
2015-12-1970091000ORVM LH SIDE ALTO 800 (257 QTY)..AS PER INVIndia383.73KGM383.733437.6USD*****
2015-12-2387032169B/NEW MARUTI SUZUKI ALTO 800 VXI PETROL MOTOR CARSIndia2NIU20208368USD*****
2015-12-1487089300CLUTCH SET ALTO MODIFIED WITH (13 QTY0..AS INVIndia31.75KGM31.75248.02USD*****
2015-12-1987089300PAD FR DISC BRAKE ALTO (58 QTY)..AS PER INVIndia43.26KGM43.26743.75USD*****

A sample report along with few shipment records on Sri Lanka imports of Alto is given above. We also cover other hidden columns in our complete report of alto import data of Sri Lanka including – Importer Name, Exporter Name, Quantity of Shipment, Total Value of Shipment, No. of Import Containers, Origin & Destination of Shipment and so on.

So, if you want to access complete customs data of Alto, kindly fill up our Request Demo Form. Our sales representatives will reach you soon to look after your requirements. Or you can also tell us your queries via +91-11- 47048012 or

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